Workshop Details: A modelled KS2 lesson to help develop teachers knowledge and understanding of individual, pair and group gymnastics at KS2. Supporting documents provided in the form of a lesson plan and SoW.
Overall, how would you rate the workshop?
- 100% - Excellent / Good
How well were the aims of the workshop covered?
- 100% - Excellent / Good
Would you recommend the workshop?
- 100% - Yes
Suggested future targets to deliver at this workshop:
"Be useful to see how planning was done, step-by-step."
"Any PE courses for Y3/5, particularly games."
Overall Comments From GSSP Workshop Attendees:
'Very helpful watching an actual lesson and seeing what the children know. Was helpful getting tips to support behaviour management. I now have more of an idea how to put this into practical.'
'Great course, very useful and timely. Good to be given ideas and resources directly to help build my own planning. Well explained and delivered.'