You can find all of the results from our latest competitions below...
Y5/6 Mixed Dynamos Cricket (Compete) - Kent Cricket Pathway Event
Winners – TBC (representing Greenwich at the Kent Cricket Finals)
Respect Award - TBC
Y5/6 Girls Dynamos Cricket (Compete) - Kent Cricket Pathway Event
Winners – TBC (representing Greenwich at the Kent Cricket Finals)
Respect Award - TBC
Y5/6 Sitting Volleyball (Compete) - LYG Pathway Event
Winners – Charlton Manor (representing Greenwich at the LYG)
Teamwork Award - De Lucy
Y5/6 Boccia (Compete) - LYG Pathway Event
Winners – TBC (representing Greenwich at the LYG)
Determination Award - TBC
Y5/6 Sportshall Athletics (Compete) – LYG Pathway Event
Winners – St Mary's (representing Greenwich at the LYG)
Determination Award - Christ Church
Y3/4 Netball Festival (Develop) - LYG Festival Pathway
Winners – Windrush (representing Greenwich at the LYG)
Respect Award - Windrush