On Tuesday 26th February 2019, a number of Greenwich primary schools participated in two bench ball competitions at Plumcroft Primary School.
The competition was planned by student sports leaders and PE staff from Shooters Hill College, with a special thanks to Aidan and to Plumcroft Primary School.
What the participants had to say...
““An easy game to pick up and play back at our school” ”
Teaching Assistant
“I have really enjoyed the challenge today”
Year 5 Pupil
“Thank you to all that have helped set up this lovely event””
PE Lead
This particular competition focused on the school games value of Determination, with each game also recognising respect through a Respect the Games award.
School value winners for Determination- Foxfield Primary School and Eltham C of E Primary School
School value winners for Respect - De Lucy Primary School and Eltham C of E Primary School
A final thanks...
To PE Leads / supervising staff and all children for their enthusiasm and a huge thank you to Aidan and the student sport leaders for leading the event.
We look forward to future events!