Year 5 & 6 sports hall athletics competition

On Wednesday 6th December 2017, a number of Greenwich primary schools participated in the Sportshall Athletics competition at The John Roan.  

The competition was led by school sports leaders and PE staff, with a special thanks to Sam for organising the event!

What the participants had to say….

“The obstacle race was the most fun and I’m so happy that I helped my team win!” 

-Year 6 Primary Pupil

“I have never been to such a big event and I felt nervous because I wanted to do well.  The sports leaders helped me and my friend with the triple jump”

-Year 5 Primary Pupil

“Even though we didn’t win many of the races, we had lots of fun and I really like this school”

-Year 5 Primary Pupil


This particular competition focused on the school games value of Self Belief, with each game also recognising respect through a Respect the Games award. 

School value winners for Self Belief - Cardwell Primary School


School Value Winners for Respect the Games - Discovery Primary School.