Members of the GSSP have been participating in exclusive workshops that are available to their schools as members of the Greenwich School Sports Partnership. Each workshop has been well received so far, with members looking forward to upcoming workshops and activities. 

GSSP EYFS/ KS1 PE Workshop 

Workshop Focus: Early years and KS1 PE, school sport and physical activity – the crucial stages in developing healthy, happy, successful young people.


Overall, how would you rate the workshop?

  • 100% - Excellent / Good

How well were the aims of the workshop covered?

  • 100% - Excellent / Good

Would you recommend the workshop?

  • 100% - Yes

Future targets to deliver at this workshop:

  • How to plan for EYFS PE more explicitly


GSSP Sportshall Athletics Workshop

Workshop Focus: Developing skills, knowledge and rules for Sportshall Athletics (curriculum and competition).


Overall, how would you rate the workshop?

  • 100% - Excellent / Good

How well were the aims of the workshop covered?

  • 100% - Excellent / Good

Would you recommend the workshop?

  • 100% - Yes

Future targets to deliver at this workshop:

  • Further training for athletics

Overall Comments:

‘Great hands on workshop’ 
-GSSP workshop attendee