year 5 & 6 Sports hall athletics competition

On Tuesday 5th December 2017, a number of Greenwich primary schools participated in the Sportshall Athletics competition at St Paul’s Academy.

The competition was led by school sports leaders and PE staff, with a special thanks to Michael for organising the event!

What the participants had to say….

“The children have had a wonderful time, there is so much energy and buzz” 
-Teaching Assistant

“The relay was my favourite event, we ran so fast I think we must have beaten the world record!”
- Year 6 Primary Pupil

“I had lots of fun today and I even made some new friends”
- Year 5 Primary Pupil


This particular competition focused on the school games value of Self Belief, with each game also recognising respect through a Respect the Games award. 


School value winners for Self Belief - St Joseph's Primary School.


School Value Winners for Respect the Games - St Mary's Primary School.