Year 5 & 6 Cross-cOuntry Competition

On Monday 13th November 2017, a number of Greenwich primary schools participated in the cross-country competition at Plumstead Manor School.

The competition was planned by student sports leaders and PE staff, with a special thanks to Daniella for organising and hosting the event!


What the participants had to say….

“I’m so happy because I finished the run ahead of lots of other people! I started the race slowly and tried to pace myself so I could run faster at the end. I am glad I got chosen to run and I think I could go even faster if I had another chance! Thank you to everyone that helped at the competition”
- Year 6 Primary Pupil

 “I really enjoyed the competition and I think doing the daily mile at our school helped me”
-Year 6 Primary Pupil


This particular competition focused on the school games value of Determination.


Congratulations to:


Team winners:

Boys: Plumcroft Primany School
Girls: Hawksmoor Primary School


Individual Winners:

Boys: Matthew from Halstow Primary School
Girls: Maisy from Eltham Church of England Primary.